Friday, October 23, 2020

Ocular Injuries

Any kind of eye injury is known as Ocular Injury. The visual impairment as a result of an eye injury may vary from slight reduction in visual acuity to total blindness.

A) Mechanical Injuries-
1) Contusion Injuries: It may results from flying blunt objects(e.g. ⚽)

2) Perforation Injuries: It may results from sharp objects(e.g. 🖉)

B) Non-mechanical Injuries-

1) Chemical Injuries: Most of the chemicals are harmful to eyes. Ex- Acid, Alkali etc.
The severity of the burn depends on the concentration of the chemical, the exposure duration & the pH of the solution. All solutions are irritating to the eye, but is rarely serious if their pH is  ≥ 2.5 . Alkali burns are more severe than acid burns.

Apart from acids & alkalis there are few other chemicals like Organic Solvents(e.g. alcohol), Surfactants(e.g. soap), Irritants & Allergens(e.g. pollen) & Aerosols(e.g. deodorant) which are also harmful.

Ideal treatment is to neutralize the chemical. Immediate & prolonged irrigation with normal water should be carried out. 

2) Electrical Injuries: The main sources of electrical injuries are lightning & high voltage electrical appliances.

3) Radiation Injuries: The major natural source of electromagnetic radiation is sun. Fortunately, the atmosphere acts as a filter, absorbing a significant amount of the harmful radiation. The highest intensity of radiation that penetrates the atmosphere is in the visible range(400-800nm). The effect of radiation will depend upon the wavelength of the radiation & the photon energy.
  • Long wavelength radiation has low photon energies. Infra-red radiation has 0.01 to 1 eV(electron volt) range
  • Visible & short wavelength radiation have higher photon energies. For visible & UV radiation, the photon energy range is 1 to 4 eV.

4) Thermal Injuries: There are 2types of thermal injuries- flame( e.g. oven) & contact burns(e.g. molten metal).

All types of eye injuries- mandatory check up by an Ophthalmologist

Preventive Measures: A detailed history taking at the time of Vision test is very important. Few examples-
  • Sportsperson- We will recommend Contact Lens or for Spectacles user high impact resistant lens material like MR8 /Polycarbonate 
  • Two-wheeler Rider- Anti Reflection Coating lens to improve vision clarity by reducing unwanted light reflection. 
  • Occupational (Mechanical Engineer)- Safety goggles is mandatory.
Also parents should educate their children regarding possible ocular hazards.



  1. Long time viewing to Mobile screen, or Laptop screen ... Can cause any damage to our vision? If yes then how we take prevention .

    1. Yes
      1) Use Blue Light Protection Ophthalmic Lens
      2) Follow 20-20-20 rule


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