Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Colour Vision


Colour Vision is the ability to distinguish among different colours. The sensation of colour is subjective. Individuals are taught names for their colour sensations and subsequently use these names whenever the same sensation is obtained. By the age of 3 a child can correctly identify a colour. So, Colour Vision Test can be done at the age of 3.

There are 3 types of Photoreceptor cells in Retina-

1) Red Sensitive

2) Green Sensitive

3) Blue Sensitive

which combinedly perform the function of Colour Vision. 

In Colour Vision Deficiency(CVD) which is more commonly known as Colour Blindness, sensation of one or more primary colours(Red, Green & Blue) is either defective(anomalous) or absent(anopia).

Importance of Colour Vision:

Colour Vision defects can affect learning abilities and reading development. It also can limit career choices.



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