Sunday, November 15, 2020


The term 'Blindness' means inability to perceive light. So, from a practical point of view, a person is said to be blind when he can not perform ordinary work.

In India, economically blind persons are those who, with both eyes open, can not count fingers beyond 3metres in broad daylight.

Major Causes: 

  • Cataract
  • Refractive Error
  • Corneal Opacity

There are 8 million blind & 54 million partially-blind persons in India.

Causes of Blindness according to Age-group: 
  1. Infants & Pre-school Age: Congenital cataract & glaucoma
  2. School Going Age: Congenital & developmental anomalies, xerophthalmia, trauma
  3. Adult Life(20-50yrs): Myopia, neurological disease, industrial injuries
  4. Late Adult Life(50-70yrs): Cataract, glaucoma & diabetes
  5. Elderly Persons(Above 70yrs): Cataract, glaucoma & Age Related Macular Degeneration

Prevention: In India, 80% of blindness is preventable or curable, but the problems are ignorance, superstition, poverty, illiteracy etc. Some preventive measures are as follows:
  • Always use own towel or handkerchief
  • Properly clean hands before touching to the eyes
  • Try to avoid Kajal or Surma unless prescribed by eye doctor
  • Use safety goggles during Diwali or Dussehra or within industrial working environment
  • Retinal health check up once in every two years
  • Yearly power check up 

Rehabilitation: 20% of blindness is incurable. These persons have to rehabilitated and trained properly so that they can earn their livelihood. Governments & Social Welfare Organizations should take proper initiative regarding education, training & rehabilitation for all blind persons in India so that they feel privileged. 

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